Privacy Policy

 Robot Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “the Company”) recognizes the importance of protecting the personal information of our customers and complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter “APPI”). Along with this, we will strive to properly handle and protect personal information in accordance with the following privacy policy (hereinafter “Privacy Policy”). Unless otherwise specified in the Privacy Policy, the definitions of terms in the Privacy Policy are in accordance with the provisions of the APPI. 

1. Definition of personal information 

In this Privacy Policy, personal information shall mean personal information as defined in Article 2.1 of the APPI (including information about customers necessary for the use of our services). 

2. Purpose of use of personal information 

The Company will use the personal information for the following purposes: 

  1. To provide, develop, and improve “Lawyer Robot”, “Labor Robot”, “Metaverse Mall”, and any other products and services provided by the Company (hereinafter “the Services”) 
  2. To provide information on the Services and to respond to inquiries, etc. 
  3. To provide information on the Company’s products, services, etc. 
  4. To respond to any violation of the Company’s terms, policies, etc. (hereinafter “the Terms “) regarding the Services (including refusal of user registration for users who have violated the terms in the past).  
  5. To notify you of changes to the Terms of the Services, etc. 
  6. To analyze information on the status of customer use of services for the purpose of improving the Services, developing new services, etc.  
  7. To respond to inquiries and confirm the identity of the user. 
  8. To conduct surveys and marketing regarding the Services. 
  9. To conduct drawings for campaigns, etc., and to send prizes and products. 
  10. To create statistical data related to the Services in a format that does not identify individuals. 
  11. To contact as necessary when using the Services, such as informing of other information regarding the Services. 
  12. To exercise rights or fulfill obligations based on contracts, laws, etc. 
  13. For other purposes incidental to the above purposes of use 

3. Method of collecting personal information, etc. 

  1. In order to provide the Services, the Company collects the following information from our customers in the following manner. However, if the required personal information is incomplete when using the Services, the Company may not be able to provide appropriate services. 
    1. Information to be collected 
      Name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, user ID 
    2. Method of collection
      (1) Method of input by customers on the Services 
      (2) Method of input by the customer on the inquiry form regarding the Services 
      (3) Method of collecting information when the customers use the Services 
  2. The Company will retain the information specified in Section 3.1.1 during the provision of the Services and after the termination of the Services. However, when there is no longer a need to use such information, we will endeavor to delete such information without delay. 

4. Change of purpose of use of personal information 

The Company may change the purpose of use of personal information to the extent that it is reasonably deemed to be relevant, and will notify the individual (hereinafter “the Individual”) who is the subject of the personal information or make a public announcement in the event of a change. 

5. Personal information use 

  1. Except as permitted by the APPI or other laws and regulations, we will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use without obtaining the consent of the Individual. However, this does not apply in the following cases: 
    1. When required by law. 
    2. When disclosure is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Individual. 
    3. When disclosure is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Individual. 
    4. Cases in which the provision of personal information is necessary for cooperating with a state organ, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a state organ or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, and in which obtaining the consent of the Individual is likely to impede the execution of the affairs concerned. 
    5. Cases in which personal data is provided to an academic research institution, etc., and such academic research institution, etc. needs to handle such personal data for academic research purposes (including cases where a part of the purpose of handling such personal data is for academic research purposes, and excludes cases where there is a risk of unjustified infringement on the rights and interests of individuals.)
  2. The Company will not use personal information in a manner that may encourage or induce illegal or unjust acts. 

6. Proper acquisition of personal information 

  1. The Company shall acquire personal information in an appropriate manner and shall not acquire personal information through deception or other wrongful means. 
  2. The Company will not acquire special care-required personal information (as defined in Article 2 Paragraph 3 of the APPI) without obtaining the prior consent of the Individual, except in the following cases: 
    1. Cases falling under any of Items 1 through 4 in Section 5.1. 
    2. Cases in which the Company acquires the special care-required personal information from an academic research institution, etc. and it is necessary to acquire such special care-required personal information for academic research purposes (including cases in which part of the purpose of acquiring such special care-required personal information is for academic research purposes, excluding cases in which there is a risk of unreasonably infringing on the rights and interests of individuals) (limited to cases where the business handling personal information and the relevant academic research institution, etc. jointly conduct academic research). 
    3. Cases in which the special care-required personal information is disclosed by the Individual, a national agency, a local government, an academic research organization, etc., a person listed in each item of Article 57 Paragraph 1 of the APPI, or any other person specified by the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission 
    4. Cases in which the special care-required personal information is obtained by visually inspecting or photographing the person and is obvious from the appearance of the person 
    5. Where the Company receives provision of the special care-required personal information from a third party, and such provision by the third party falls under any of the items of Section 9.1. 
  3. When receiving personal information from a third party, the Company will confirm the following matters in accordance with the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Committee. However, this excludes cases where the provision of personal information by the third party falls under any of the items in Section 5.1 or 9.1. 
    1. The name and address of the third party and, in the case of a corporate body, the name of its representative (in the case of an organization that is not a corporate body and has a designated representative or manager, the name of its representative or manager) 
    2. The circumstances of acquisition of the relevant personal information by the third party 

7. Safety management of personal information 

The Company will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the Company’s employees to ensure that personal information is managed safely against risks such as loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information. In addition, when we outsource all or part of the handling of personal information, we will provide necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure that the outsourced company manages the personal information safely. 

8. Reporting, etc. in case of leakage 

In the event of leakage, loss, damage, etc. of personal information handled by the Company, the Company will report to the Personal Information Protection Committee and notify the Individual in accordance with the provisions of the APPI. 

9. Third party provision 

  1. The Company will not provide personal information to a third party without obtaining the prior consent of the Individual, except in cases falling under any of the items in Section 5.1. However, the following cases do not fall under the provision of personal information to third parties as stipulated above. 
    1. Cases in which personal information is provided in conjunction with the outsourcing of all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary for the achievement of the purpose of use 
    2. Cases in which personal information is provided as a result of the succession of business due to merger or other reasons 
    3. When personal information is jointly used in accordance with the provisions of the APPI 
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 9.1, except in cases falling under any of the items of Section 5.1, the Company shall obtain the prior consent of the person to whom the personal information is to be provided to a third party (excluding those who have established a system that conforms to the standards designated by the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission in accordance with Article 28 of the APPI) located in a foreign country (excluding countries designated by the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission based on Article 28 of the APPI), if providing the personal information to a third party located in a foreign country. 
  3. When obtaining the consent of the Individual to provide information to a third party located in a foreign country in accordance with Section 9.2, the following information shall be provided to the Individual. However, in cases where the item 1 cannot be specified, the following information shall be provided in lieu of the items 1 and 2: the fact that the item 1 cannot be specified and the reason thereof, and any information that can be used as a reference for the person in lieu of the item 1. 
    1. The name of the foreign country 
    2. Information on the system for the protection of personal information in the foreign country 
    3. Information on measures taken by the third party to protect personal information (if such information cannot be provided, a statement to that effect and the reason) 
  4. The Company shall create and preserve records in accordance with Article 29 of the APPI when providing personal information to a third party. 
  5. When receiving personal information from a third party, the Company shall perform the necessary confirmation in accordance with Article 30 of the APPI, and shall create and preserve records related to such confirmation. 

10. Disclosure of personal information, etc. and notification of purpose of use 

  1. When the Company is requested by the Individual to disclose personal information or to notify the purpose of use of personal information in accordance with the provisions of the APPI, the Company will disclose such information to the Individual without delay after confirming that the request is made by the Individual or duly authorized representative (if such personal information does not exist, the Company will notify to that effect). However, this does not apply to cases in which the Company is not obligated to disclose or notify in accordance with the APPI or other laws and regulations. Please note that a fee (2,000 JPY per case, tax included) will be charged for the disclosure of personal information or notification of the purpose of use. 
  2. The provisions of the preceding section shall apply mutatis mutandis to the record of provision to a third party made in accordance with Section 9.4 and the record of provision from a third party made in accordance with Section 9.5 with respect to personal information that identifies the Individual. 

11. Correction of personal information, etc. 

When the Company receives a request from the Individual to correct, add, or delete personal information on the grounds that it is untrue (hereinafter “the Correction”), in accordance with the provisions of the APPI, the Company will, after confirming that the request is made by the Individual himself/herself, conduct the necessary investigation without delay within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and based on the results of that investigation, the Correction of the content of the personal information shall be made and notify the Individual to that effect (if the Company decide not to make any of the Correction, the Company will notify the Individual to that effect.). However, this shall not apply in cases where the Company is not obligated to make such of the Correction under the APPI or other laws and regulations. 

12. Suspension of use of personal information, etc. 

When (1) the Individual requests to suspend the use or delete the personal information (hereinafter “Suspension of Use”) of the Individual in accordance with the provisions of the APPI on the grounds that the Individual’s personal information has been handled in a manner that exceeds the scope of the purpose of use that has been publicly announced in advance, or in a manner that may encourage or induce illegal or unjust acts, or on the grounds that the Individual’s personal information was obtained through deception or other wrongful means, (2) the Company is requested to stop the provision of personal information (hereinafter “Suspension of Provision”) to a third party without the Individual’s consent in accordance with the provisions of the APPI, or (3) the event that the Company no longer need to use the personal information of the Individual, in the event that the situation stipulated in the main clause of Article 26 Paragraph 1 of the APPI regarding the personal information of the Individual arises, or in the event that the handling of the personal information of the Individual is likely to harm his/her rights or legitimate interests, and in the event that the request for the Suspension of Use or the Suspension of Provision is found to have a reason, pursuant to the provisions of the APPI, the Company shall, without delay, implement the Suspension of Use or Suspension of Provision of the personal information upon confirmation that the request was made by the Individual himself/herself, and notify the Individual to that effect. However, this shall not apply in cases where the Company is not obligated to the Suspension of Use or Suspension of Provision of personal information under the APPI or other laws and regulations. 

13. Provision of information related to personal information to third parties 

  1. When a third party is expected to acquire information related to personal information (meaning those set forth in Article 2 Paragraph 7 of the APPI, and is limited to those that constitute the database or the equivalent of information related to personal information set forth in Article 16 Paragraph 7 of the same law; the same shall apply hereinafter) as personal data, the Company will not provide such information related to personal information to such third party without first confirming the following matters in accordance with the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission, except in the cases listed in each item of Section 5.1. 
    1. The consent of the Individual has been obtained to allow the third party to receive the information related to personal information from the Company and to acquire it as personal data that identifies the Individual 
    2. In the case of provision to a third party located in a foreign country, when the consent of the Individual is to be obtained under the preceding item, the system concerning the protection of personal information in the foreign country, measures taken by the third party to protect personal information, and other information that should be of reference to the Individual are provided to the Individual in advance, as provided by the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission. 
  2. When the Company provides personal information to a third party, the Company will create and preserve records in accordance with Article 31 of the APPI. 
  3. When receiving information related to personal information from a third party, the Company shall perform the necessary confirmation in accordance with Article 31 of the APPI, and shall prepare and preserve records related to such confirmation. 

14. Handling of pseudonymized personal information 

  1. When creating pseudonymized personal information (meaning those set forth in Article 2 Paragraph 5 of the APPI, and is limited to those that constitute the pseudonymized personal information database or the equivalent set forth in Article 16 Pragraph 5 of the same law; the same shall apply hereinafter), the Company shall process personal information in accordance with the standards set forth in the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission. 
  2. When the Company has created the pseudonymized personal information or obtained the pseudonymized personal information and the deleted or other related information (meaning those set forth in Article 41 Paragraph 2 of the APPI; the same shall apply hereinafter) pertaining to such pseudonymized personal information, the Company shall take measures for the safety management of the deleted or other related information in accordance with the standards prescribed by the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission as necessary to prevent the leakage of the deleted or other related information. 
  3. The Company will comply with the following provisions regarding the pseudonymized personal information (limited to personal information; the same shall apply hereinafter in this Section 14.3): 
    1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.1, the Company will not handle pseudonymized personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, except as otherwise required by law. 
    2. With respect to the application of Section 4 to pseudonymized personal information, the terms “change to the extent that it is reasonably deemed to be relevant” and “notify or make a public announcement” shall be deemed to be replaced with “change” and “publicly announce,” respectively. 
    3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 9.1 through 9.3, the Company will not provide personal data that is pseudonymized personal information to any third party, except as required by law. However, the cases listed in each item of Section 9.1 do not fall under the provision of personal data to a third party as set forth above. 
    4. In handling pseudonymized personal information, the Company will not compare such pseudonymized personal information with other information in order to identify the individual whose personal information was used to create such pseudonymized personal information. 
    5. In handling pseudonymized personal information, the Company shall not use the contact information or other information contained in such pseudonymized personal information to make telephone calls, send postal or letter services, send telegrams, faxes, or electromagnetic transmissions, or visit the residence. 
    6. Sections 8 and 10 through 12 shall not apply to the pseudonymized personal information. 
  4. We will comply with the following provisions regarding pseudonymized personal information (excluding information that is personal information; the same shall apply hereinafter in Section 14.4): 
    1. The Company will not provide pseudonymized personal information to any third party, except as required by law. However, the cases listed in each item of Section 9.1 do not fall under the provision to a third party as stipulated above. 
    2. The Company shall exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over its employees to ensure the safety management of the pseudonymized personal information against risks such as leakage of the pseudonymized personal information. In addition, when the Company outsources all or part of the handling of pseudonymized personal information, the Company will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure that the outsourced company manages the personal information safely. 
    3. In handling pseudonymized personal information, the Company shall not obtain deleted or other related information to identify the individual whose personal information was used to create such pseudonymized personal information, nor shall the Company cross-check such pseudonymized personal information with other information. 
    4. In handling the pseudonymized personal information, the Company shall not use the contact information or other information contained in such pseudonymized personal information to make telephone calls, send postal or letter services, send telegrams, faxes, or electromagnetic transmissions, or visit the residence. 

15. Handling of anonymized personal information 

  1. When creating anonymized personal information (meaning those set forth in Article 2 Paragraph 6 of the APPI, and is limited to those that constitute the anonymized personal information database or the equivalent set forth in Article 16 Paragraph 6 of the same law; the same shall apply hereinafter), the Company shall process personal information in accordance with the standards set forth in the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission. 
  2. When the Company creates anonymized personal information, the Company will take measures for safety management in accordance with the standards set forth in the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission. 
  3. When the Company creates anonymized personal information, the Company will publicly announce the items of information concerning individuals contained in such anonymized personal information, as stipulated by the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission. 
  4. When providing anonymized personal information (including information prepared by the Company and information provided by a third party; the same shall apply hereinafter unless otherwise specified) to a third party, the Company will, in accordance with the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission, publicly announce in advance the items of information concerning individuals included in the anonymized personal information to be provided to the third party and the method of providing such information, and clearly indicate to the third party that the information pertaining to such provision is anonymized personal information. 
  5. In handling anonymized personal information, the Company shall not (1) match anonymous personal information with other information and (2) acquire information relating to identifiers or their equivalent or individual identification codes deleted from the personal and information relating to methods of processing carried out pursuant to the provisions of Article 43 Paragraph 1 of the APPI ((2) shall only apply to anonymized personal information provided by a third party), in order to identify the Individual whose personal information was used to create the anonymized personal information. 
  6. The Company shall take necessary and appropriate measures for the safety management of anonymized personal information, handle complaints regarding the creation or other handling of anonymized personal information, and take other necessary measures to ensure the proper handling of anonymized personal information, and shall make efforts to publicly announce the details of such measures. 

16. Use of cookies and other technologies 

  1. The Services may use cookies and similar technologies, which helps the Company understand how the Services are used and contribute to improving the Services. If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so by changing the settings on your web browser. However, if you disable cookies, you may not be able to use some of the features of the Services. 
  2. The Company may use Google Analytics, which may use cookies and similar technologies to collect data. The collection of such data is not information that can be used or recognized as personal information. It will be associated with the information obtained through Google Analytics. For more information on how Google Analytics collects and processes statistical information, please visit here

17. About the server 

The server used by “Lawyer Robot” and “Labor Robot” are Amazon Web Services (AWS) provided by, and the security level regarding the server is based on the security policy of AWS.
AWS ( AWS White Paper (

18. About security regarding communication

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)/TLS (Transport Layer Security), a protocol (mechanism) for sending and receiving encrypted data over the Internet, is used for communication.
The contents of communications by users regarding inquiries, modifications, etc. of personal information are encrypted by a mechanism called SSL/TLS.

19. Contact information 

For requests for disclosure, opinions, questions, complaints, and other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following: 

Representative of Privacy Policy, Corporate Department 

Robot Consulting Co., Ltd. 

6F Le Gratteciel Bldg.2, 5-22-6 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 105-0004 

[Contact Information] 

TEL: +81(0)3-6280-5477 

FAX: +81(0)3-6831-2677 

Email: info at 

(Reception Hours: 10:00 – 18:00 on weekdays) 

20. Continual improvement  

The Company will review the operation of our handling of personal information from time to time and strive for continuous improvement, and may change the Privacy Policy from time to time as necessary. In such cases, the revised privacy policy will apply from the date of publication. 

(Enacted on April 1, 2022) 
(Revision on October 10, 2023) 
(Revision on May 1, 2024)